10000W Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

In l 'èbbica di punta di lu laser CO2, la putenza màssima chimique hè limitatu à 6000W. L'usi di a mane taglio lu laser fibre stich fù dinù limitatu à azzaru carbonicu nella 20mm è inossu nella 12mm. Di materiali finesse, fina a televisiò, punta via, o waterjet taglio etc. tecnulugia trasfurmazioni Traditional. A prima cambiamentu rivoluzionariu di 10.000-canadese watt taglio lu laser fibre di u campu di trasfurmazioni metal sheet hè di migliurà a permanenza u spissori di matiriali diversi: stich viande aluminium pò ghjunghje sin'à 40mm, stich acciaio pò ghjunghje sin'à 50mm. Cu machini taglio lu laser fibre 12kW è 15kW Cù u launches successivi, u limitu spissori di punta di a materia da cuntinuà à esse ruttu.
In addition to the increase in cutting thickness, the cutting efficiency of 10,000-watt laser cutting in the field of medium and thin plates is also improved by multiples. When cutting stainless steel plates with a thickness of 3 to 10 mm, the cutting speed of the 10 kW laser cutting machine is more than twice that of 6 kW; at the same time, the 10 kW laser cutting machine can achieve a fast bright surface of 18 to 20 mm / s in the cutting application of carbon steel Cutting is twice the speed of ordinary standard cutting; carbon steel within 12mm can also be cut with compressed air or nitrogen, and the cutting efficiency is six to seven times that of oxygen cutting carbon steel. The speed of improving the efficiency of high-power laser cutting sheet greatly exceeds people's imagination in the past, which is also the main reason why high-power laser cutting machines are popular in the sheet metal market.

tempu Post: Feb-14-2020