IPG is the pioneer in the field of fiber lasers and the world's largest manufacturer of fiber lasers. It is a company that can control the performance, cost and production of the core technology of fiber lasers, active fiber and semiconductor pump diodes. The company has always been a global leader in fiber optic laser technology in a number of end markets and applications, expanding its laser category through technology-driven product upgrades, creating laser platform companies, and continuously improving the adaptability of downstream markets. IPG's fiber lasers are used in new energy fields, including marking, welding, and cutting. They have been applied in large scale applications in the fields of square, soft and cylindrical batteries. Its main advantages are as follows:

1. ülikõrge väljundvõimsus;

2. Kõrgem elektro-optiline kasutegur;

3. Alumine hoolduskulud;

4. Kompaktne mahult;

5. Seadmed, vastupidavamad, keskkonnasõbralikum kui traditsiooniline laser ja mitte-laser seadmed;

6. Madalam energiatarve: Fibre laserid on rohkem kui 15 korda tõhusam kui tavalised laserid;

7. Alam jahutus nõuetele: Unikaalne disain kiu laser muudab oluliselt vähendada jahutamise nõuded. Madala energiatarbega kiu laser ainult vaja kasutada õhu jahutamiseks.

8. Vähem seadmed nõuetele: kiust laser saab kasutada keevitamine, lõikamine ja puurimine;

9. Alam tarbimine: puuduvad tarbekaubad nagu asendades lambid või baari.

