Tuigse choileanta de fibre leusair inneal-gearraidh

Fiber inneal-gearraidh a tha leusair buain inneal bhith a 'cleachdadh freumhag leusair generator mar solas tùs.

Fiber laser is a new type of internationally developed fiber laser that outputs a high-energy density laser beam and collects on the surface of the workpiece to instantly melt and vaporize the area illuminated by the ultra-fine focus spot on the workpiece. The spot is moved by the numerical control mechanical system Irradiate the position to achieve automatic cutting. It has obvious advantages compared with bulky gas lasers and solid-state lasers, and has gradually developed into an important candidate in high-precision laser processing, lidar systems, space technology, laser medicine and other fields. The fiber laser cutting machine can be used for flat cutting or bevel cutting, and the edges are neat and smooth. It is suitable for high-precision cutting processing such as metal plates. At the same time, the robotic arm can perform three-dimensional cutting instead of the original imported five. Axis laser. Compared with ordinary carbon dioxide laser cutting machine, it saves space and gas consumption, and has a high photoelectric conversion rate. It is a new energy-saving and environmentally friendly product and one of the world's leading technology products.

Buannachdan freumhag leusair gearradh inneal thairis CO2 leusair inneal-gearraidh:

1) Sònraichte sail càileachd: fòcas nas lugha àite, bòidhch 'buain na loidhnichean,' àirde obair èifeachdas, càileachd nas fheàrr giollachd;

2) anabarrach àrd buain astar: 2 amannan air an CO2 leusair inneal-gearraidh leis an aon cumhachd;

3) Extremely high stability: The world's top imported fiber laser is used for stable performance and the service life of key components can reach 100,000 hours;

4) Glè Àrd-dealanach Optical iompachadh èifeachdas: The photoelectric iompachadh èifeachdas freumhag leusair inneal-gearraidh tha mu 30%, a tha 3 tursan nas àirde de CO2 leusair inneal-gearraidh, a 'sàbhaladh cumhachd agus an àrainneachd a dhìon;

5) Ìosal Fìor cosgais a chleachdadh: Tha cumhachd caitheamh fad an inneal ach a-mhàin 20-30%-ionann CO2 leusair innealan gearraidh;

6) leth ìosal cosgaisean cumail suas: cha leusair obrach gas; Optical freumhag ginealaich, chan eil feum airson meòrachail lionsan; urrainn a shàbhaladh tòrr cosgaisean cumail suas;

7) Easy bhathar obrachadh agus cumail suas: Optical freumhag ginealaich, chan eil feum a bhith a 'gleusadh Optical frith-rathad.

Post-ùine: Feb-10-2020