Ua kom lub neej kev pab cuam ntawm laser txiav tshuab

Carbon fiber ntau cnc txiav yuav tsum tau grounded
Hlau txuas tau muaj qhov zoo li nram no:
1. Muaj peev xwm lav qhov kev ua haujlwm zoo li qub ntawm lub laser fais fab mov
2. tuaj yeem txuas lub neej kev pab cuam ntawm lub laser raj
3. Nws tuaj yeem tiv thaiv kev cuam tshuam system los ntawm kev cuam tshuam sab nraud
4. Tiv thaiv kev raug mob ntawm qhov hluav taws xob Circuit Court vim muaj qhov hluav taws xob ntau dhau los.

Cov dej ntws tawm ntawm lub taub dej mus rau lub raj xa dej yuav tsum khaws cia kom huv.

Lub laser lub raj tso tawm los ntawm lub tshav kub coj los ntawm cov dej txias muaj qhov kub dua, thiab lub teeb tso zis tawm hluav taws xob muaj tsawg heev (nyiam dua) 15 txog 20 ℃ kub; thaum cov dej tawg, lub raj kawg yuav tawg lossis txawm ua kev puas tsuaj rau lub zog laser vim muaj cov cua sov ua ke hauv lub laser iav raj. Yog li, kev ncig ntawm cov dej txias thiab dej turbid yuav tsum tau kuaj xyuas txhua lub sijhawm. Thaum cov raj xa dej tawg tawm (khoov tuag) lossis poob tawm, nws yuav tsum tau kho kom ncav sijhawm kom tsis txhob muaj cov khoom puas vim lub zog tsis ua haujlwm. Nws raug nquahu kom hloov cov dej ntshiab hauv lub taub dej txhua ib nrab lub hlis;

Kev tu thiab tu lub sijhawm

Qhov cua zoo

Pay attention to the cleaning and maintenance of the machine at any time is a necessary condition for the normal operation of the machine. Imagine a person's joints are not flexible, how to move? Machine tool guide rail is also a core component of high precision. After each work, the guide rail must be clean, smooth and lubricated. Each bearing also needs to be lubricated on a regular basis, so that the transmission is flexible, the processing accuracy is high, and the life of the machine is extended;

Tom ntej no yog yees duab ntawm Fiber laser tej tshuab:

hf h

Lub sij hawm tshaj tawm: Plaub Hlis-23-2020