Ofkpụrụ nke itinye laser akara maka ihe mkpuchi nchebe


Ihe nkpuchi na-ekpuchi ahụike bụ ihe a na-ejighi akwa, nke a na-eji eriri ndị nwere akụkụ ma ọ bụ na-enweghị eriri, yana ọ bụ ihe owuwu nwere ọtụtụ, na-akpọkarị dị ka ihe owuwu SMS. Ka ọ dị ugbu a, ọnụ ọgụgụ kachasị elu bụ nkepa 5, ya bụ, SMMMS (spunbond, meltblown) bụ nke polypropylene mejupụtara. Mpempe akwụkwọ M ahụ na-eji akwa na-abụghị nkeven na-acha uhie uhie dịka okpokoro nzacha. N’ihi na a na-ekesa akwara ya na-enweghị usoro, nweekwa akụkụ atọ dị mgbagwoju anya, ihe kacha mkpa bụ na ọ mejupụtara eriri nke ultrafine, mpaghara a kapịrị ọnụ nke eriri ahụ, yana ike adsorb ahụ. A na-ekesa eriri ndị ahụ na-enweghị usoro iji mepụta ọtụtụ obere oghere, na nkesa ogologo dị otu, nha nza ahụ pere mpe, na nzacha nzacha dị elu, nke mere na ịrụ ọrụ nke ihe mkpuchi ahụ na-enweghị mkpuchi ahụike dị anya. site na sọks gauze ọdịnala.

Ejiri akwa SMS a na-ejighi akwa na-eji polypropylene (ya na nje bacteriostasis na hydrophobicity) dịka akụrụngwa bụ isi, na dayameta eriri nwere ike iru 0,5-10um. Arụ ọrụ ultrafine ndị a nwere ihe pụrụ iche dị na ya na-eme ka ọnụọgụ na ogologo nke eriri dị n'otu mpaghara, nke mere na eriri laser marking elu bụ akwa a na-ejighi akwa nke polypropylene ihe mkpuchi. Clothgba fesa nwere ikuku ikuku dị mma ma bụrụ ezigbo ihe maka ọtụtụ masks.

Dịka ọ dị na ngwaahịa ọgwụ niile na ahụike, akara ndị na - adịgboroja bụ akụkụ dị mkpa nke ngwaahịa sọks.

Taa, ma e jiri ya na teknụzụ ink nke ọdịnala, akara laser nwere njirimara ndị na-adịghị egbu egbu, mmetọ adịghị mma, arụmọrụ dị elu, mkpebi dị elu, oke dị elu, na iyi mmegide. nsogbu. Enwere ike ikwu na teknụzụ akara laser na-eduga ụlọ ọrụ ahụike kemgbe a mụrụ ya.

Ofkpụrụ nke teknụzụ akara laser bụ iji mee ka ihe dị elu were were laser wee were ihe dị elu kpuchie elu ihe ahụ, nke mere na elu nke ihe ahụ na-agabiga ikpughe ihe dị omimi, ma ọ bụ mmeghachi omume kemịkalụ nke ihe ahụ. agba agba n'okpuru nsonaazụ nke irradiation. N'ihi na nhazi laser bụ nhazi na-enweghị kọntaktị, akụrụngwa ahụ agaghị egbochi mkpagbu a na-ahụ maka ihe dị n'elu ọrụ ahụ, yabụ ngwa ngwa nhazi laser na-adị oke ọsọ, ihe a na-etinye na nhazi ahụ na-emetụta oke ọkụ na obere mpaghara ma ghara iwepụta mkpọtụ . . N'ihi ngbanwe nke ike nke osisi laser na ọsọ na-agagharị, enwere ike itinye nhazi laser na ọkwa na ọkwa dị iche iche.

Ka ọ dị ugbu a, e nwere usoro nhazi laser abụọ nabatara: nhazi laser na nhazi ihe ọkụ (nke a makwaara dị ka nhazi oyi). Lingxiu Laser họọrọ ultraviolet laser dị mkpirikpi maka nhazi akara.

Mgbe obere mkpirisi ultraviolet laser na-arụ ọrụ na polymer, ọ na-agbaji njikọta nke ihe ahụ kpamkpam, nke mere na a na-ebugharị iberibe ihe ahụ n'ụdị obere ma ọ bụ gas, iji mezuo ebumnuche nke dochie ma wepụ ihe ahụ , si otú ahụ na-emepụta akara dị mma, doro anya na ọgụgụ. Ebe ọ bụ na ejiri ọtụtụ ike ahụ mebie agbụ kemịkalụ, obere ume na-agbanwe n'ime ume ọkụ, nke nwere ike iwepu mgbanwe na mpaghara ọkụ emetụta (HAZ) na ihe ndị gbara ya gburugburu, na-ahụ na ọkụ agaghị emebi emebi ihe ndị ahụ.

Cold working (ultraviolet) photons with high load energy can break the chemical bonds inside the material (especially organic materials) or the surrounding medium, causing non-thermal process damage to the material. This kind of cold working is of special significance in laser marking, because it is not thermal ablation, but it does not produce "thermal damage" auxiliary, cold peeling that breaks the chemical bond, so it does not affect the inner layer and the surrounding area of the processed surface layer. Produce heating or thermal deformation.

Because the transients generated by the hot processing light source cause damage to the outer and middle surface of the mask, which affects the filterability of the mask, the Lingxiu Laser replaces the "cold processing" ultraviolet laser to mark the surface layer of the mask.


Oge nzipu ozi: Mee-06-2020