
Schneider Electric specializes in the electrical industry, has a long history and strong strength, is one of the world's top 500 companies. Products are divided into five categories: transmission and distribution, low-voltage distribution, low-voltage terminal distribution, industrial control and programmable controllers. Since the sale of Schneider Switch, high quality product quality, reasonable market service, multi-functional style design and intimate sales have ensured better product guarantee performance.

Давуу тал 1: өөрчлөх илүү уян хатан, тохиромжтой байдаг

Шнэйдэр өөрчлөх үр ашгийг илүү уян хатан, хялбар болгодог бөгөөд энэ нь амархан төрөл бүрийн эрс тэс ажлын нөхцөлд дасан зохицох болон одоогийн үйл ажиллагаа нь илүү тогтвортой байдаг хангах болно.

Давуу тал 2: материалын зузаан нь илүү дотно байдаг

Schneider's switch material technology is very particular, the thickness has been greatly improved, the thickness design is more suitable for use, giving consumers great comfort.
