Id-differenza bejn Uniku modulu YLR-3000 (50um) u multi-modulu ta 'fibra laser ġeneratur 3000W u enerġija ogħla

korp żgħar, iżda fih qawwa qawwija;

aktar insegwiment ta 'l-aħħari;

Bil 3000W enerġija, jinkiseb 6000W effiċjenza

Dan huwa YLR-3000 (50um) laser modulu wieħed.

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Itejbu 30-50% effiċjenza qtugħ

Meta mqabbla ma 'lejżers multi-modulu, il YLR-3000 laser modulu wieħed għandu qalba ifjen u l-enerġija kkonċentrata, li ġġib esperjenza effiċjenza qtugħ immodernizzat għat-tqattigħ irqiq pjanċa. Teħid folja 1mm bħala eżempju, iqabblu l-informazzjoni effiċjenza qtugħ ta YLR-3000 laser modulu wieħed u YLS-3000 laser multi-modulu:

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Flimkien mal-informazzjoni ta 'hawn fuq u wiri field tests utent:

Fil-proċess tat-tqattigħ ta 'pjanċi rqaq 1mm, il-veloċità tat-tqattigħ attwali ta' YLR-3000 laser modulu wieħed huwa 30-50% ogħla minn dak ta 'multi-modulu lejżer qtugħ, u l-effiċjenza huwa komparabbli ma' 6000W laser multi-modulu. Fi kliem ieħor, bl-istess ammont ta 'xogħol, ma YLR-3000-modulu wieħed ipproċessar tal-laser, il-volum ta' xogħol 5 ijiem jista 'jiġi faċilment jitlestew biss 2-3 jiem.

Tirrifjuta l-glitch u ġġibu fi stadju wieħed.

Thanks to the inherent advantage of energy concentration, the YLR-3000 laser can provide better cutting results and achieve a better cutting process. In the comparison of the cutting quality of the 3MM aluminum plate, the glitch-free slag and the need for secondary grinding are the "excellent achievements" of the YLR-3000 in one step.

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dehra CHIC, tqegħid konvenjenti.

The YLR-3000 laser has a small and chic appearance, a veritable "small body and great energy." Reduce the cost of freight for users while releasing more plant space and reducing the cost of plant space.

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Post ħin: Nov-08-2019