Kufufuza kwa Kugwiritsa Ntchito Laser kuyeretsa Teknoloji ya Metal Surface

1. Kutsuka kwa laser sikumangochotsa litsiro komanso kumathandizanso kukana kwa kutu

Tekinoloje ya laser  utha kuthana ndi zophophonya zaukadaulo wamatsenga wachikhalidwe, monga kuwononga nthawi, kulimbikira ntchito, kuwononga chilengedwe, ndi zina zotere, ndikuchita mbali yofunika pakuchotsa litsiro lazitsulo. Kuphatikiza apo, magawo oyeretsa a laser amatha kuwongoleredwanso kotero kuti chitsulo chikutsukidwa ndi mankhwala chimakhudzanso ndikupanga mawonekedwe otetezedwa okhala ndi makulidwe amtundu ochepa kuti tipewe kuwonongeka kwazitsulo. Kuchepetsa kugwiritsa ntchito ukadaulo wa laser kungapangitse kukana kwa zida zachitsulo Kuchulukitsa katatu mpaka kanayi.

2. Kusankhidwa kwa mtundu wa laser ndi wavelength kumathandizira pakuwongolera

As shown in the figure, the absorption coefficients of various metals change with wavelength. At λ=916nm-1200nm, most metals have higher absorption coefficients in this band, and organic matter has relatively strong laser absorption in this band. Because of this, in terms of absorption rate, combining the comparative advantages of various aspects, fiber lasers have demonstrated unique advantages in all aspects. The organic pollution layer absorbs the laser strongly, and the temperature of the organic pollution layer quickly rises to the evaporation point to vaporize, thereby achieving the purpose of removing the pollution layer without damaging the substrate. Then determine the energy threshold of laser cleaning, the energy threshold of laser cleaning will determine the effect of laser cleaning. Selecting the appropriate laser cleaning energy threshold requires comprehensive consideration of the material's performance, microstructure, morphological defects, and the effects of laser wavelength and pulse width.


3.Dongosolo loyenerera la laser limapangitsa kuyeretsa bwino kwambiri

Pamene laser ikuchitika pamlingo winawake wolumikizira, laser imawilitsidwa mwachindunji pansi pa tinthu totsatana, zomwe zimapangitsa kupsinjika kwapamwamba kwambiri. Poyerekeza ndi zochitika zabwinobwino, zoipazi zimachotsedwa mosavuta. Kuphatikiza apo, kafukufukuyu adapeza kuti ndi kuwonjezeka kwa zingwe zopendekera, dera la radiation ndilowokulirapo. Mphepo ikamayandikira madigiri 20, malo am'derali oti ayeretsedwe ali pafupifupi nthawi 10 kuposa zomwe zimachitika kawirikawiri, zomwe zimapangitsa bwino kukonza kwa laser.

4. Kuchuluka kolowera kuchuluka kumathandizira kukonza kwa laser

Njira yoyeretsera izikhala yosiyana kwa kuchuluka kwa defocus. Kuyeretsa ndi kachitidwe ka kuphulika kwa zinthu za pansi pomwe zapangika, ndipo kuchuluka kwa kufowoka kukakhala kwakukulu, kuchotsedwa kwa utoto wa penti kumasinthidwa kuchoka pakugawika pang'onopang'ono kupita kumpweya.

Kuti muthe kukhathamiritsa zotsatira za kuyeretsa kwa laser pamalo opangira zitsulo, ndikofunikira kulingalira kwathunthu njira yoyeretsera laser, kuyeretsa, mtundu wa laser, laser wavelength, kachulukidwe ka mphamvu, mphamvu, ma pulse pafupipafupi, nthawi yamkokomo, ndi mbali ya laser. Ma laser opakidwa amatha kuyeretsa kuwonongeka kwa mpweya wachitsulo. Pamene wavelength ndi 1064nm, mphamvu ya laser ndi 500W, pafupipafupi mphamvu yake ndi 10kHz, m'lifupi mwake ndi 120ns, liwiro loyeretsa ndi 60mm / s, ndipo pamlingo wopezeka ndi 5%. Mphamvu ya kutu ndiyabwino kwambiri, ndipo kupezeka kwa oksijeni sikumapezeka pakuwongolera kwa laser pamtunda wa dzimbiri, malo ang'onoang'ono, mizere ndi mfundo. Kafukufuku wokhazikika wa magawo omwe amapangika amatha kupanga dongosolo loyeretsa laser.

Nthawi yoyambira: Jun-28-2020