
Schneider Electric specializes in the electrical industry, has a long history and strong strength, is one of the world's top 500 companies. Products are divided into five categories: transmission and distribution, low-voltage distribution, low-voltage terminal distribution, industrial control and programmable controllers. Since the sale of Schneider Switch, high quality product quality, reasonable market service, multi-functional style design and intimate sales have ensured better product guarantee performance.

Lelei 1: O le ki e sili atu ona fetuutuunai ma faigofie

O le ki Schneider faia e le le lelei o le ki sili fetuutuunai ma faigofie, ma e mafai ona faigofie ona feagai ma tuutuuga galuega faigata eseese ma ia mautinoa e sili atu ona mautu le taotoga i le taimi nei.

Lelei 2: O le mafiafia mea e sili atu le mafana

Schneider's switch material technology is very particular, the thickness has been greatly improved, the thickness design is more suitable for use, giving consumers great comfort.
