Ngawangkong ngeunaan Aplikasi Téknologi laser dina Pigura Mobile Phone

laser serat

Everyone is familiar with mobile phones. Almost everyone in today's society has a mobile phone, which is an important communication tool in people's daily work and life. With the continuous development of mobile phones, mobile phone casings have gradually shifted from the original plastic casing to metal casings, ceramic casings, glass casings, etc. Due to the future thin and light development of mobile phones, traditional manufacturing methods have been difficult to meet the current needs. With the application of laser technology, its precision processing has quickly become the favor of the mobile phone manufacturing industry. Let's follow the lead show laser to understand the application of laser technology in the mobile phone frame.

Aplikasi tina téhnologi laser nyirian di cangkang handphone anu utamana nyirian sahiji logo deui cangkang, angka patén, hak cipta parusahaan sareng inpo nu sejenna. Kalawan ngembangkeun sinambung telepon pinter, anu fon inpormasi produksi, angka patén sareng inpo nu sejenna dina cangkang deui pisan leutik. craftsmanship Tradisional aya sia aya leuwih ti kaperluan karakter leutik, sedengkeun laser mesin nyirian boga titik fokus leutik, nu geus ngonpigurasi nurutkeun pangabutuh béda. Hurup tiasa kirang ti 0.1mm, nu bisa pinuh minuhan sarat anyar.

Aplikasi tina téhnologi motong laser dina pigura luar tina handphone teh motong tina posisi konci pigura, sarta pangeboran laser tina headphone na spiker. Na layar toél motong laser sarta panutup motong idéntifikasi sidik, panutup motong kaméra.

Dina babandingan, CNC, cutter, punching, sarta metoda punching tradisional dipaké pikeun motong tina casings handphone anu leuwih efisien jeung efektif. téhnologi motong laser ogé geus dipikawanohkeun ka plastik, alumunium anodized, sarta aplikasi motong keramik, tapi teu acan kabentuk dina hiji waktu sarta geus jadi hiji metodeu processing bantu. Nyandak pigura keramik sabagé conto, ngaliwatan motong laser, CNC reaming ieu dipaké pikeun ngabentuk produk lengkep. téhnologi motong laser nu dipaké di dieu nyaéta QCW laser mesin motong, kontinyu mesin motong laser sarta laser CO2 mesin motong. Kaunggulan relatif aplikasi lacquer teu atra. mainstream nu mangrupa ngagunakeun stamping jeung métode CNC.

Pos waktos: Jan-16-2020