Yaskawa Motor

Yaskawa Electric is a professional manufacturer in the field of motion control. Its products include high-power ordinary motors, servo motors and inverters. Its products are known for its stability and speed. Yaskawa Electric is the first company in Japan to be a servo motor. Its products are known for their stability and speed, and they are cost-effective. They are the world's largest sales and the most used servo brands in the industry.

Yaskawa servo motor nu utamana dibagi jadi opat seri: -i, Σ -II, Σ -III, Σ -V, sarta Σ runtuyan -V téh paling loba dipaké di Cina.

Kaunggulan produk motor servo Yaskawa nyaéta kieu:

1. akurasi: nyadar kontrol ditutup-loop tina posisi, laju sarta torsi; overcomes masalah stepping motor kaluar tina hambalan;

2, laju: kinerja-speed tinggi téh alus, anu dipeunteun speed umum bisa ngahontal 2000 ~ 3000 rpm;

3. adaptability: Cai mibanda kamampuhan anti overload kuat sarta bisa tahan tilu kali dipeunteun torsi. Ieu hususna cocog pikeun kaayaan kalawan fluctuations beban fana sarta mimiti gancang.

4. stabil: Ieu ngalir lancar dina speed low, sarta henteu ngahasilkeun stepping operasi sarupa stepper motor nalika ngajalankeun di speed low. Cocog jeung kali kalayan syarat respon speed tinggi;

5. Timeliness: The dinamika akselerasi motor na deceleration anu pondok, umumna dina puluhan milliseconds;

6, kanyamanan: panas sarta nois anu nyata ngurangan.
