Izinto eziluncedo ifayibha laser umatshini ukusika kwintsimi processing metal

Ifayibha machine laser ukusika une iingenelo ukusebenza kakuhle ukusika, isantya ukusika ekhawulezayo, ixabiso eliphantsi inkqubo, libya iindleko zokusigcina, njl Isetyenziswa ngokubanzi ekusetyenzweni ngokubanzi kushishino sheet metal kwaye izixhobo ahlabayo ufunwayo.

Lo matshini ifayibha laser ukusika ithandwa kushishino sheet intsimbi ikakhulu ngenxa mpawu zilandelayo: 1. Umatshini ifayibha ukusika iye bhetyebhetye nokuba bhetyebhetye xa ukwinkqubo iipleyiti zesinyithi, efanelekileyo imveliso mass, ukuze kwakheke ngexesha elinye, kwaye akafuni ukuba processing elandelayo zasesekondari, ukonga lezeMisebenzi kunye nexesha kwandisa ngokubonakalayo ngendlela imveliso.

Ngenxa yokuba lo mgaqo ezisebenzayo isixhobo ubushushu lizwe ziyanyibilika kwipleyiti usebenzisa oluphezulu amandla kunye nomqadi lwetshiphu emsebenzi-mninzi, uze usebenzise irhasi ophezulu-uxinzelelo kuvuthela zeBlack ukugqibezela bawasika, ngoko akukho mfuneko likhazimliswe, ukubhola, njl Okwesibini, msebe umatshini ukusika ifayibha laser buzinze kwindawo phakathi 0.1-1mm, imihlaba amanyathelo super ezincinane, ngoko ichanile ukuprosesa phezulu kakhulu.

Ukongeza, inkqubo yolawulo oluzenzekelayo khompyutha lisetyenziswa kwinkqubo esebenza ngayo umatshini ukusika ifayibha enombala, kwaye inkqubo yemveliso non-zomfowunelwa kusetyenziswa ukuqinisekisa ukuba izinto zenziwa azisayi kuchaphazeleka yi ingcinezelo ngoomatshini kwaye aliyi kuqhubeka kwipleyiti yesinyithi . Naziphina iimpembelelo kwi ukuchaneka.

Third, the fiber laser cutting machine has a short editing time, which can be directly imported into the equipment's control system through computer graphics. Only one artist can get the design of the pattern. However, the traditional cutting process and the processing pattern of sheet metal workpieces depend on the programming of the CNC machine tools and the molds made in advance. Each time a new product and a plate with a different shape are replaced, a new mold must be developed and a new The procedure requires high cost or labor everywhere, which is not conducive to forming competitiveness in the current market environment. For customers, shortening the production cycle means improving competitiveness, promoting cost control and maximizing economic value.

Post ixesha: Feb-10-2020