Yongeza ubomi benkonzo yomatshini wokusika i-laser

Ukuchetywa kweCarbon fiber cnc kufuneka kusekwe
umdibaniso kwi-Wire
1. Inokuqinisekisa ukusebenza okuqhelekileyo kwamandla ombane we-laser
2. Inokwandisa ubomi benkonzo ye-laser tube
3. Inokuthintela ukuphazamiseka kwenkqubo okubangelwa kuphazamiseko lwangaphandle
4. Thintela ukutshisa ngengozi kwesekethe ngenxa yokukhutshwa kwamandla ombane.

Ukuhamba kwamanzi ukusuka kwitanki lamanzi ukuya kwi-laser tube kufuneka kugcinwe kucocekile.

Ityhubhu ye-laser eveliswa bubushushu obuthatyathwe ngamanzi okupholisa anamaqondo obushushu aphezulu, kwaye amandla okukhupha ukukhanya aphantsi kakhulu (akhethelwa) ama-15 ukuya kwangama-20 ℃ amaqondo obushushu; xa amanzi ephuka, ityhubhu yokuphela iya kuqhuma okanye yonakalise umbane we-laser ngenxa yobushushu obufumeneyo kwi-laser yeglasi ityhubhu. Ke ngoko, ukujikelezwa kwamanzi apholileyo kunye ne-turbid yamanzi kufuneka kuhlolwe nangaliphi na ixesha. Xa imibhobho yombhobho wamanzi (i-bend efileyo) okanye iwele, kufuneka ilungiswe ngexesha ukunqanda ukonakala kwezixhobo ngenxa yokungasebenzi kombane. Kunconywe ukubuyisela amanzi amsulwa kwitanki lamanzi rhoqo kwisiqingatha senyanga;

Ukucoca kunye nokugcina

Umoya opholileyo

Pay attention to the cleaning and maintenance of the machine at any time is a necessary condition for the normal operation of the machine. Imagine a person's joints are not flexible, how to move? Machine tool guide rail is also a core component of high precision. After each work, the guide rail must be clean, smooth and lubricated. Each bearing also needs to be lubricated on a regular basis, so that the transmission is flexible, the processing accuracy is high, and the life of the machine is extended;

Okulandelayo nevidiyo ye Fibre laser ukusika machine:



Ixesha lokuposa: Aprili-23-2020