Core akụrụngwa nke eriri laser ọnwụ

1 Fiber laser generator: it is the most core components of the fiber laser cutting machine, and fiber laser cutting machine cutting operation of "power".Fiber laser compared with other types of lasers, has higher efficiency and longer service life, less maintenance, lower cost and other advantages.

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2 Fiber laser Cutting isi: laser ọnwụ igwe ọnwụ isi bụ laser mmepụta ngwaọrụ, ọ na-emi esịnede nozulu, na-elekwasị anya oghere na-elekwasị anya na nsuso system.Laser ọnwụ igwe nke ọnwụ isi ga-eme ka dị ka ọnwụ ụzọ na-eje ije, ma dị iche iche ihe onwunwe na dị iche iche ọkpụrụkpụ, dị iche iche ọnwụ ụzọ, laser ọnwụ isi elu na-mkpa ka ịhazie akara.

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3 Servo moto, servo moto na-ezo aka servo akara nke n'ibu mmiri na usoro ọrụ nke engine, bụ ụdị onyinye moto anọ agbanwe ọsọ device.Servo moto nwere ike ime ka akara ọsọ, ọnọdụ ziri ezi bụ nnọọ ezi, nwere ike tọghata voltaji mgbaàmà n'ime torque na rotational ọsọ ka mbanye akara object.High quality servo moto nwere ike n'ụzọ dị irè hụ na izi ezi nke laser ọnwụ igwe ọnwụ, n'itinye ọsọ megharịa n'ọnọdu ziri ezi.

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4 Nzuzo mmiri igwe, mmiri oyi ígwè bụ laser ọnwụ igwe jụrụ ngwaọrụ, ọ nwere ike ngwa ngwa na rụọ ọrụ nke ọma laser obi jụrụ, dị ka isi aro device.Now oyi mmiri igwe na ọsọ ọsọ na-mmepụta mgba ọkụ akara ngwa na elu ọrụ nke jụrụ mmiri eruba ọnụego, elu na ala okpomọkụ mkpu, ndị ọzọ mụ arụmọrụ.
5 Gas tụkwasị usoro, ngwa anya eriri laser ọnwụ igwe tumadi na-agụnye ikuku tụkwasị usoro, iyo na piping.The ikuku nwere abụọ iche iche nke bottled gas na abịakọrọ ikuku.

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6 The usu: laser ọnwụ igwe bed, osisi rụzie, workbench, Z axis usoro kwuru na dị ka host.Laser ọnwụ igwe n'ihi ọnwụ, ndị mbụ na-arụ ọrụ ibe na bed, mgbe doo a na-chụpụrụ site servo moto, ịchịkwa ije nke Z axis, onye ọrụ nwere ike ịgbanwe parameters dị mkpa nke ha onwe ha.
7 Control usoro: isi akara igwe ngwá ọrụ, na-aghọta na ije nke X, Y, Z axis, kamakwa ịchịkwa laser mmepụta ike.

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8 usoro ike esenyịn, jikọọ na laser, n'etiti NC igwe na ike ọkọnọ system.Mainly ỌRỤ dị ka Gbochie nnyonye mpụga ike okporo.

Post oge: Oct-21-2019