Yuav ua li cas yog muaj fiber ntau tas mus li laser vuam siv lub tshuab?


As a high-end product in the field of welding, the continuous light welding machine is favored by industries that require precision welding. The continuous light welding machine is composed of a "welding main machine" and a "welding workbench". The laser beam is coupled to the optical fiber. After long-distance transmission, the parallel light is processed to focus on the workpiece for continuous welding. Suitable for welding various metals and their alloy materials, as well as precision welding between the same metal or different metals.

Lub ntsiab zoo ntawm cov fiber nruam laser vuam siv lub tshuab yog raws li nram no:

1. ncaj qha solder ob hlau qhov chaw uas tsis siv solder los yog muab tub lim. Lub welded feem yuav ua tau tib yam hlau thiab txawv hlau.

2. Nam piv. Lub weld yog sib sib zog nqus thiab nqaim, thiab cov weld yog kaj thiab zoo nkauj.

3. Yam tsawg kawg nkaus kub kev tawm tswv yim. Vim lub high school lub hwj chim ceev, lub melting txheej txheem yog tsis tshua muaj sai sai, lub tswv yim workpiece tshav kub yog heev tsawg, cov Vuam ceev yog ceev ceev, lub productivity yog high, lub thermal deformation yog me me, thiab lub tshav kub cuam tshuam tsam yog me me.

4. High ceev. Lub siab txias npaum li cas tom qab vuam ua rau cov welded qauv zoo, thiab cov Vuam zog, toughness thiab zuag qhia tag nrho kev kawm muaj.

5. leej tswj. Vim hais tias cov kom pom tseeb yog me me, lub weld yuav positioned uas muaj precision, thiab cov nqaj yuav muab tau yooj yim kis thiab tswj, uas tej thaj chaw deb los yog muab tsis cuag qhov chaw thiab tej yam me me qhov chaw.

6. Laser vuam cov khoom yeej muaj tsis muaj consumables, zoo heev txo downtime thiab siab ntau lawm efficiency.

7. Tsis-hu, atmospheric welding. Nyob rau tib lub sij hawm, laser vuam ua hauj lwm nyob ib sab nqi, uas txog cov nqi ntawm cov workpiece.

Post lub sij hawm: Aug-30-2019