IPG is the pioneer in the field of fiber lasers and the world's largest manufacturer of fiber lasers. It is a company that can control the performance, cost and production of the core technology of fiber lasers, active fiber and semiconductor pump diodes. The company has always been a global leader in fiber optic laser technology in a number of end markets and applications, expanding its laser category through technology-driven product upgrades, creating laser platform companies, and continuously improving the adaptability of downstream markets. IPG's fiber lasers are used in new energy fields, including marking, welding, and cutting. They have been applied in large scale applications in the fields of square, soft and cylindrical batteries. Its main advantages are as follows:

1. Ultra yuqori chiqish quvvati;

2. Oliy elektr-optik samaradorligini o'tkazish;

3. Kam parvarishlash xarajatlar;

4. Compact hajmi;

5. ko'char, ko'proq ishonchli, an'anaviy lazer va nodavlat lazer uskunalari ko'proq ekologik;

6. kam quvvat iste'moli: Fiber lazer 15 dan ortiq marotaba an'anaviy lazer ko'ra, yanada samarali bo'ladi;

7. Quyi sovutish talablar: tolasi lazer noyob dizayn u juda sovutish talablariga kamaytirish qiladi. kam quvvat tolali lazer faqat havo sovutish foydalanish kerak.

8. kam uskunalar talablar: Shu tolasi lazer manba aniq va burg'ulash uchun foydalanish mumkin;

9. Quyi iste'moli: lampalar yoki panjaralar almashtirish kabi hech sarf materiallari bor.

