Kudula kwachitsulo - mthandizi wabwino pazochitika zapanyumba

The theme of Milan International Furniture Fair is living nature-"Symbiosis with Nature", reconciling people and natural environment Milan International Furniture Fair is recognized as one of the world's three major furniture exhibitions, known as the "Olympic" event of the global furniture industry. The relationship between the boots and the beauty of harmony between inside and outside.


Kunyumba zosungira zinthu monga khitchini ndi bafa, kusinthasintha kwa zinthu kumakumbutsidwa, ndipo mawonekedwe ake amafupika. Kapangidwe kamabati kumaphwanya zomangira pazachilengedwe ndikuyika njira zatsopano zosiyana ndi malingaliro wamba. Kugwiritsidwa ntchito kwa nduna yowonjezera kumathandizanso kupangitsa lakuthwa konsekonse, burers, ndi burrs kumphepete kwa nduna poyerekeza ndi njira yamakina yopangira makina, yomwe imakhudza mawonekedwe a chinthu chomalizidwa. Makina odula a laser 3015 can avoid similar situations. Fiber laser cutting machine 1530 has the advantages of high cutting quality, narrow length, small heat-affected zone, and smooth longitudinal direction; fast cutting speed; good cutting flexibility, free cutting of any shape; low processing cost and wide material adaptability. Precision fiber laser cutting machine has been widely used in the processing of metals and non-metals, and has become the "sword" that people dream of "cutting iron like mud".
Tsopano zida zamapangidwe azachuma zimasinthidwa kukhala zitsulo zopangira zitsulo-zitsulo zachitsulo, chifukwa chitsulo chamatsenga chimakhala ndi mawonekedwe a kulemera kopepuka, mphamvu yayikulu, mphamvu yamagetsi (ingagwiritsidwe ntchito pakutchinga kwamagetsi), mtengo wotsika, komanso magwiridwe antchito abwino. Pankhani yakudula zitsulo, makina 3000w odulira laser wakhala njira yayikulu kwambiri yochitira zinthu, kuchokera pamapulogalamu oonda kwambiri pamlingo wa micron kupita pambale zambiri za mamilimita ochepa, omwe amatha kudula bwino. Nthawi yomweyo, ndikofunikira kuti muchepetse kuwononga kwa kukonza zinthu ndi kufupikitsa kayendedwe kazinthuzo, ndipo kukonza kwake ndikofunikira kwambiri ndipo mtunduwo ndi wabwino, womwe ungakwaniritse kukonzanso bwino. Mwanjira ina, makina osokoneza makina a fiber laser abweretsa kusintha kwa tekinoloje ku kukonza zitsulo, ndipo izi zabweretsanso mwayi wina pakupanga makabati.
At the same time, steel cooper laser fiber cutting machine can design graphics through the computer, make arbitrary graphics, adjust the size and depth, high precision, fast speed, smooth and no burr, "no contact" processing process, so that any material does not have to worry about extrusion Deformed.
Ndi makampani opanga zida zapanyumba, ogulitsa ambiri azindikira mawonekedwe atsopano obwera ndi ukadaulo wa laser, ndipo ukadaulo wa laser watha kukhala wothandiza kwambiri pantchito yopanga nyumba.

Nthawi yoikidwa: Jun-17-2020