Izinzuzo fibre laser cutting umshini metal ukucutshungulwa ensimini

Fibre laser cutting umshini has izinzuzo ezinhle ahlabayo umphumela, okusheshayo isivinini ukuzisika ongaphakeme ukucutshungulwa izindleko, ongaphakeme yesondlo izindleko, njll It is kabanzi e ukucutshungulwa esibanzi metal ishidi umkhakha futhi kuyinto esisemqoka imishini ahlabayo.

Umshini fibre laser cutting kuyaziwa kwensimbi ishidi umkhakha ikakhulukazi ngenxa izici ezilandelayo: 1. umshini fibre ahlabayo has eguquguqukayo kanye nokuvumelana nezimo uma sicubungula izingcwecwe zensimbi ezilula, efanelekayo nokukhiqizwa kwezinto ngobuningi, zingase zimiswe ngesikhathi esisodwa, futhi ongenalo zidinga ukucutshungulwa okwalandela yesibili, ukulondoloza Labour and isikhathi ukwandisa ukukhiqizwa kahle.

Ngoba isimiso ukusebenza zedivayisi iwukuba endaweni nokushisa Ncibilikisa ipuleti usebenzisa ephezulu amandla futhi Isidlulisilwazi uvumelanise, bese usebenzisa ephezulu ingcindezi gas nokushaya slag ukuqedela ahlabayo, ngakho akukho isidingo wokucwebezelisa, imishini, njll Okwesibili, ugongolo we fibre laser cutting umshini bagxila kule ndawo phakathi 0.1-1mm, kwenkululeko senzo super encane, ngakho ukucutshungulwa yayo ukunemba is kakhulu okusezingeni.

Ngaphezu kwalokho, i-computer uhlelo yokulawula ngokuzenzakalela isetshenziswa inqubo yokusebenza optical fibre ahlabayo umshini, futhi inqubo-non-contact ukukhiqizwa isetshenziswa ukuqinisekisa ukuthi indaba kusetshenzwe ngeke ehlaselwe ingcindezi mechanical ngeke ukucubungula ipuleti metal . Noma yimuphi umthelela ukunemba.

Third, the fiber laser cutting machine has a short editing time, which can be directly imported into the equipment's control system through computer graphics. Only one artist can get the design of the pattern. However, the traditional cutting process and the processing pattern of sheet metal workpieces depend on the programming of the CNC machine tools and the molds made in advance. Each time a new product and a plate with a different shape are replaced, a new mold must be developed and a new The procedure requires high cost or labor everywhere, which is not conducive to forming competitiveness in the current market environment. For customers, shortening the production cycle means improving competitiveness, promoting cost control and maximizing economic value.

Thumela isikhathi: Feb-10-2020