I-Lingxiu Laser ikusiza uqonde ukuphepha ngemuva komaski


The epidemic caused by the new coronavirus is raging all over the world in 2020. Masks can effectively block the infiltration of droplets, blood, body fluids and secretions, interrupt the spread of the virus, and become a necessity of life at this stage. The demand has surged. Many countries and regions have the problem of scarcity of masks. Many manufacturers urgently increase the production of mask machines. The surface printing of masks requires molds and a large amount of ink. The molds cannot be in place in time. Large amounts of ink printing cause great environmental pollution, resulting in a large number of whiteboard masks on the market (no ) Information identification mask). No printing masks flow into the market, giving some unscrupulous traders an opportunity to take advantage of; because some inferior masks are rampant in the market, they are extremely harmful to consumers' health.

Indlela engcono yokuxazulula lolu hlobo lwenkinga ukuvumela abathengi abaningi ukuthi bakwazi ukuthola imininingwane yemaski kalula futhi ngokushesha, bazi ukuthi yini engenakuthengwa. Ukuze amabhizinisi, kuyaphuthuma nakakhulu ukuba sithuthukise ukulawula izinga nokwakha brand yenqubo ukukhiqizwa buso.

I bendabuko indlela wokugubha ikakhulukazi isebenzisa inki esephepheni ubuchwepheshe, kodwa kusimo enkulu lobu buchwepheshe enqubeni ekhona ukukhiqizwa imaski wukuthi akunakuba nezimo futhi kuzobangela ukungcoliswa kwemvelo. Lokhu kuholela eqinisweni lokuthi omamaski abakwazi ukwandisa ukufeza izidingo zokukhiqiza esikhathini esikhethekile. .

Ukukhiqizwa nezimo of lasers iye yasetshenziswa in inqwaba kulezo zimboni. I nokuvikelwa kwemvelo we inki ngokwahlukana ngezinga eliphezulu of ukuqashelwa umkhiqizo ziye waqaphela futhi esetshenziswa inani elikhulu izinkampani ukudla. Ephendula inkinga yamanje ye-logo yemakethe yemaski, iLingxiu Laser yenze inqubo efanelekile yokuthuthukisa kanye nokuhlola, futhi yethule ubuchwepheshe obusha bokuphrinta i-laser inkless, obungashintsha ukuthuthukiswa kwe-logo yomkhiqizo kamaskandi, ithuthukise ikhwalithi yonke yomkhiqizo, kanye ukuthuthukisa ithonya imaski brand kusukela izinga.

Isikhathi sokuthumela: Meyi-06-2020