Kumaha carana nganggo obor motong tina plasma cutter cnc henteu gampang janten macet


Nalika operasi motong perforation anu dipigawé, anu baja molten bakal Santika deui jeung nozzle, anu mangrupa salah sahiji panyabab umum tina karuksakan tina nozzle motong. Lamun perlu perforate cut eta, pangalusna mun tos bor ku bor di perforation tur ngamimitian motong tina liang pre-dibor.

Coba mun cut dina normal rentang ketebalan motong tina cutter, sarta ulah motong di ketebalan motong ekstrim.

Jarak ti motong nozzle kana plat baja kudu dijaga konstan, umumna di sabudeureun 3-8mm. Jauhna, teu ukur konsumsi kakuatan badag teuing, tapi kamampuh penetrasi motong bakal ngurangan, sarta éléktroda nu geus kawilang dikonsumsi, supados hirup éléktroda diréduksi; teuing tutup The jasa kahirupan nozzle bakal ngurangan éksponénsial; nu adjustment tekanan hawa oge kritis.

The service life of plasma electrode nozzles is also related to other factors, such as: the input voltage level, the quality of the electrode itself, the quality of the plasma cutting machine and the integrity of the equipment, the quality of the plasma torch, the user's Experience and so on, but the most important thing is the above three points. If the three points are good, the service life of the electrode nozzle will be greatly improved.

Pos waktos: Sep-02-2019