Beda antara Single modul YLR-3000 (50UM) jeung multi-modul ngeunaan Serat laser generator 3000W sarta kakuatan luhur

awakna leutik, tapi ngandung kakuatan anu kuat;

langkung ngungudag sahiji pamungkas;

Kalawan 3000W kakuatan, ngahontal 6000W efisiensi

Ieu YLR-3000 (50UM) laser single-modul.

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Ningkatkeun efisiensi motong 30-50%

Dibandingkeun lasers multi-modul, anu YLR-3000 single-modul laser boga finer inti jeung énergi kentel nu brings hiji motong pangalaman efisiensi ditingkatkeun pikeun motong ipis-lempeng. Nyandak 1MM lambar sabagé conto, ngabandingkeun data efisiensi motong tina YLR-3000 laser modul tunggal jeung YLS-3000 multi-modul laser:

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Digabungkeun jeung data di luhur sarta tampilan test widang pamaké:

Dina prosés motong tina 1MM pelat ipis, laju motong sabenerna YLR-3000 laser single-modul anu 30-50% leuwih luhur ti nu ti motong laser multi-modul, sarta efisiensi nyaeta comparable mun 6000W laser multi-modul. Dina basa sejen, ku workload sarua, mibanda YLR-3000 single-modul processing laser, nu 5 poé workload bisa gampang réngsé di ukur 2-3 poé.

Nampik glitch tur meunang eta dina hiji hambalan.

Thanks to the inherent advantage of energy concentration, the YLR-3000 laser can provide better cutting results and achieve a better cutting process. In the comparison of the cutting quality of the 3MM aluminum plate, the glitch-free slag and the need for secondary grinding are the "excellent achievements" of the YLR-3000 in one step.

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penampilan Srimanganti, panempatan merenah.

The YLR-3000 laser has a small and chic appearance, a veritable "small body and great energy." Reduce the cost of freight for users while releasing more plant space and reducing the cost of plant space.

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Pos waktos: Nov-08-2019