Apa jinis bahan sing bisa dipotong mesin laser?

Wiwit wiwitan abad kaping 21, fiber laser cutting machine cut pipe have been continuously developed, laser cutting technology will be applied in various fields, and more and more suitable materials will be used. According to the different characteristics of different materials, the matters needing attention when using the fiber laser cutting machine are also different.

Baja struktural

Asil apik bakal dipikolehi nalika materi dipotong karo oksigen. Nalika nggunakake oksigen minangka gas pangolahan, ujung ngethok bakal rada teroksidasi. Kanggo piring nganti 4mm kandel, nitrogen bisa digunakake minangka gas pangolahan kanggo motong tekanan dhuwur. Ing kasus iki, pojok nglereni ora bakal dioksidasi. Kanggo piring kanthi kekandelan luwih saka 10mm, gunakake piring khusus kanggo laser lan pasang minyak ing permukaan bahan kerja sajrone diproses kanggo entuk asil sing luwih apik.

baja stainless

Motong stainless steel mbutuhake: panggunaan oksigen, ing kasus yen oksidasi pinggiran ora masalah; nggunakake nitrogen kanggo entuk pinggiran sing ora dioksidasi lan bebas burr, ora ana perawatan sing dibutuhake. Film minyak lapisan ing permukaan dewan bakal entuk efek perforasi sing luwih apik tanpa nyuda kualitas pangolahan.


Despite its high reflectivity and thermal conductivity, aluminum materials up to 6mm in thickness can be cut, depending on the alloy type and laser capabilities. When cutting with oxygen, the cutting surface is rough and hard. When using nitrogen, the cut surface is smooth. Pure aluminum is very difficult to cut because of its high purity. Only when a "reflection absorption" device is installed on the system can aluminum be cut. Otherwise the reflection will destroy the optical components.


Lembar Titanium dipotong kanthi argon lan nitrogen minangka gas pangolahan. Parameter liyane bisa ngrujuk baja nikel-kromium.

Tembaga lan kuningan

Both materials have high reflectivity and very good thermal conductivity. Brass with a thickness of less than 1mm can be cut with nitrogen; copper with a thickness of less than 2mm can be cut, and the processing gas must be oxygen. Copper and brass can only be cut when a "reflective absorption" device is installed on the system. Otherwise the reflection will destroy the optical components.

Bahan sintetik

Nalika nglereni bahan sintetis, elinga mbebayani lan bahan-bahan mbebayani sing bisa dicedhot. Bahan sintetik sing bisa diproses yaiku: thermoplastics, bahan thermosetting, lan elastomer.

Wektu kirim: Jun-28-2020