Kenal bubuka sababaraha jinis sareng fungsi laser

Laser splitter laser minangka bagian penting tina alat pengeboran laser. Fungsi utami nyaéta pikeun ngarobah énergi listrik anu disayogikeun ku sistem panawaran listrik kana énergi laser kalayan efisiensi konvérsi anu tangtu. Anu disebut laser pamotongan mesin laser ngarujuk kana énergi anu dileupaskeun nalika pancaran laser disédah ka permukaan karyaan pikeun ngalembereh sareng menguap bahan kerja kanggo ngahontal tujuan motong sareng ukiran. Cai mibanda katepatan anu luhur, gancang sareng motong, henteu dugi ka pola motong, sareng perenah otomatis nyalametkeun ciri-ciri bahan, potongan halus sareng biaya pangolahan anu laun bakal ningkatkeun atanapi ngagantikeun alat prosés pemotong logam tradisional. Numutkeun sipat bahan kerja laser, éta tiasa dipisahkeun kana laser gas sareng laser padet. Laser gas anu dipaké pikeun pangeboran kalebet kalebet laser laser dioksida, sedengkeun laser padat anu dianggo pikeun pengeboran kalebet kalebet laser ruby, laser kaca neodymium sareng laser YAG.
Alat mesin pikeun pangeboran laser nyaéta bentuk anu sederhana sareng universal tina alat mesin tilu diménsi. Gerak dua diménsi aya dina
X and Y indicate that the two coordinate axes are perpendicular to each other, and the third dimension Z axis is perpendicular to the Z-Y plane. Each dimension can drive the ball screw through the stepping motor to run on the linear ball guide, its accuracy is determined by the accuracy of the screw and the accuracy of the ball guide. If equipped with a microprocessor system, the three-dimensional machine tool can complete the laser processing of various holes in the plane and group holes within a certain range. When it is necessary to process a series of holes in a pipe or barrel material, the machine tool should have a five-dimensional function. In addition to the aforementioned three-dimensional, the added two-dimensional is the 360-degree rotation of the XY plane. We define it as the A axis, XY The plane is inclined at 0-90 degrees in the Z direction, and we define it as the B axis. With such various types of laser drilling, the five-dimensional worktable is competent. When the equipment investment needs to be saved, the CNC of the B axis can be changed to manual. This can save money and basically complete all drilling tasks. In recent years, the level of laser drilling machines at home and abroad is at a stage of rapid development. The laser output power is gradually increasing, the pulse width is getting narrower and narrower, and the frequency range As it gets wider and wider, other parameters also become more and more conducive to the development of drilling. The flexibility of the control part of the light guide system and the laser punching machine has been continuously improved, making the punching range continuously expanding. At present, there are dozens of types of laser drilling machines in China. In addition to colleges and scientific research institutes, companies specializing in manufacturing laser equipment are gradually increasing. This shows that China's laser processing is developing in the direction of industrialization.
Laser CO2 gaduh seueur kaunggulan unik, efisiensi konversi nya langkung luhur ti laser sanés, sareng éta tiasa kaserep ku seueur bahan non-logam (sapertos bahan kaca organik, plastik, kayu, piring komposit multilayer, piringan gelas quartz, jsb). Anu langkung penting, dibandingkeun sareng laser anu sanés, laser karbon dioksida tiasa ngahasilkeun kakuatan anu luhur. Nalika digabungkeun sareng téknologi sanés, pangeboran laju anu gancang tiasa dihontal, kalayan laju maksimal 100 liang / detik, anu sesah dicapai laser sanés.
Sanaos ieu, kusabab fokus anu pikaresepeun sareng dimming tina laser CO2, investasi hiji-hijina alat nganalisa, sareng éta henteu umum dina alat pengeboran laser sareng tilu laser sanésna. Anu disebut laser pamotongan mesin laser ngarujuk kana énergi anu dileupaskeun nalika pancaran laser disédah ka permukaan karyaan pikeun ngalembereh sareng menguap workpiece pikeun ngahontal tujuan motong sareng ukiran. Cai mibanda katepatan anu luhur, gancang sareng motong, henteu dugi ka pola motong, sareng perenah otomatis nyalametkeun ciri-ciri bahan, potongan halus sareng biaya pangolahan anu laun bakal ningkatkeun atanapi ngagantikeun alat prosés pemotong logam tradisional.
Laser padet seueur dianggo dina pengeboran laser kalayan kauntungan anu unik. Kauntungan utama nyaéta:
(1) panjang gelombang kaluaran pondok. Anu disebut laser pamotongan mesin laser ngarujuk kana énergi anu dileupaskeun nalika pancaran laser disédah ka permukaan karyaan pikeun ngalembereh sareng menguap bahan kerja kanggo ngahontal tujuan motong sareng ukiran. Cai mibanda katepatan anu luhur, gancang sareng motong, henteu dugi ka pola motong, sareng perenah otomatis nyalametkeun ciri-ciri bahan, potongan halus sareng biaya pangolahan anu laun bakal ningkatkeun atanapi ngagantikeun alat prosés pemotong logam tradisional. A
(2) Kaluaran lampu tiasa dikirimkeun ku bahan optik biasa. Anu disebut laser pamotongan mesin laser ngarujuk kana énergi anu dileupaskeun nalika pancaran laser disédah ka permukaan karyaan pikeun ngalembereh sareng menguap workpiece pikeun ngahontal tujuan motong sareng ukiran. Cai mibanda katepatan anu luhur, gancang sareng motong, henteu dugi ka pola motong, sareng perenah otomatis nyalametkeun ciri-ciri bahan, potongan halus sareng biaya pangolahan anu laun bakal ningkatkeun atanapi ngagantikeun alat prosés pemotong logam tradisional.
(3) Sakabeh mesin leutik dina ukuran, gampang dianggo sareng dipertahankeun, sareng hargana langkung handap tina laser karbon dioksida. Mesin motong laser ditumpukeun kana pancaran kerintangan anu luhur dina bentuk lampu. Beam dikirimkeun ka permukaan karya pikeun ngahasilkeun panas anu cukup pikeun ngalembereh bahanna, sareng coaxial gas-tekanan tinggi sareng balok langsung ngaleupaskeun logam cair pikeun ngahontal tujuan motong. Nerangkeun yén laser pamotongan dasarna béda ti mesin mesin

Waktu pos: Jul-11-2020